Parenting,  pregnancy

A third baby is on the way and the kids are thrilled!

I can’t even believe I’m writing this blog post right now, but we ARE pregnant again! Are we crazy? MAYBE. Will life be even more crazy. FOR SURE. But there will be so much love!

First things first – this pic. I expected our announcement would be one with all smiles but nope. For some reason London started crying and then Boston saw she was crying so he started crying. Meanwhile, me, my husband, and the photographer are all laughing because this really couldn’t get any better. Boston may be upset about not being the baby anymore, but London is VERY excited about a baby joining the fam.

If you would have asked me two years ago if we were going to have another child. I would have said no way! It’s never going to happen. We already have a boy and girl, who are close in age, so life is pretty perfect, but here we are with another one on the way.

So, I don’t know exactly what it was. Maybe it was COVID and spending so much time together as a family, but around March I starting thinking that maybe we should add one more to the mix. I have to be honest. It was an unexpected and weird pull that just kept growing over time. I would see pregnant women and get a little jealous. A year ago, I would have thought glad that’ s not me! But over time, when I saw pregnant women, it made me a little sad it wasn’t me.

So I started praying about it – asking God for clarity, and I also started asking other moms I know that have three and four kids about it. How did they know when they were done? Did they always want three or four kids? What’s life like? Most told me the same- it’s insane and pure chaos, but they wouldn’t change it for the world.

That made me think. I thrive in chaos!

I also kept hearing the word three from other moms. “You think life is crazy with two, wait till you have three!” I also kept seeing moms with three kids everywhere. I’m sure I was subconsciously looking for that, but I definitely took notice.

London at 3 years-old and Boston at 2 years-old

So I felt like there were all these signs around me, and then another sign – I had an annual appointment coming up with my OBGYN, and she would always ask if I wanted to take my IUD out. The same doctor has delivered both of my kids, and she always said she thought I would have three kids. So obviously, I took that as another sign.

So I went ahead and got my IUD taken out, and the plan was to switch to another form of birth control that you don’t have to go to the doctor to take it out. So if we decided we really did want another kid, I wouldn’t have to go back into the doctor’s office. So I asked the nurse when I should I start taking it. She said I could take it now but would have irregular cycles or wait until my first period. So I decided to wait because I didn’t want my hormones and body to go crazy because I’m already crazy enough.

So the next step was telling my husband I got my IUD out. He freaked out, just a little bit, BUT we had been talking about maybe, possibly, having another kid so he wasn’t completely blind-sighted, and at the end of the day, it’s my body, and I never really liked the IUD for numerous reasons. So I explained I was getting on a birth control pill but couldn’t start it just yet, so if he didn’t want another kid he needed to proceed with caution. Clearly that’s exactly what he did.

So I kept waiting for my period, after a month I got a little freaked out. I know I was maybe wanting another kid, but I wasn’t 100% ready for that yet, so I started researching how long does it take to start your period after an IUD is taken out and I was surprised to find it’s as long as a few months. Whew. Okay that eased my fear about maybe being pregnant because let’s be honest -thinking about having another child and actually really having another child is two different things.

So I started to get a few symptoms that I thought was just my body about to have a period. I thought, okay, I’m going to start my period any day now. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting. Then one week I felt nauseous. I was like huh. This is strange, but maybe I ate something bad or am having a stomach bug. It was also hard to drink coffee, and I’m a very avid coffee drinker. (Disliking coffee was also a sign in my other two pregnancies.)

So I ordered pregnancy tests in a Shipt delivery, so I could ease my pregnancy fears once and for all. As soon as it was delivered, I took the first digital test. It said YES. I said holy crap. Okay this has to be wrong. So I take the second test and it shows two very clear lines. Okay, well. Mmm, this is interesting. So then I think, maybe it’s common to get a false positive pregnancy test after getting an IUD out. So I Googled it and NOPE. It’s not.

Oh man. My first thought is my husband is going to freak out. So I call my doctor’s office, explain I got positive tests but have no idea if the pregnancy tests are accurate or how far along I am since I never started my period. The nurse tells me to go to a nearby clinic and get blood work drawn so we can figure it out. So I go get blood work done and my doctor calls me afterwards to say YEP, you are pregnant. Again, I say holy crap. My husband is going to freak out. I mean I’m also freaking out, but I’m more worried about my husband’s reaction.

So I ask how far along she thinks and after looking at my levels she says 8 weeks. EIGHT WEEKS? WHAT?!? So I hang up the phone and think about what to do next. There are a few options. My husband is at the fire station the next day, so I could wait until then and go pay him a visit. He’s always on his best behavior at the fire station, so no matter how bad he freaks out, he has to spend the night there. Mmmm…that could really work, but I didn’t know how I could act normal that night knowing this HUGE new information. So I decided to just rip the band-aid off and send him a photo of the pregnancy test. He was working his second job, hanging up Christmas lights. So I just hoped he wasn’t on a tall roof when he checked his text.

So, I sent him a picture of the test and waited for those three dots to pop up on his phone to let me know he was responding. Much to my surprise, he took the news better than I thought saying “Are you serious? Take another test.” So I sent him the second test. And then he called. We both freaked out for a little bit and then decided it would all be okay. Right? Because at this point it has to be. So once the shock wore off, we entered (me more than him) the excited phase and here we are today.

I’m almost 14 weeks pregnant which puts my with a beginning of June delivery date. I tend to have my babies a week or two early so realistically, it’s probably the end of May. SO that means this mama can have. a margarita by summer time! haha priorities right?! But seriously I’m excited. Life will be crazy, chaotic, and messy, but worth it. I am not looking forward to going back to the infant stage, but I keep telling myself nothing can be more difficult than having an infant who doesn’t sleep and an 18 month old at the same time. So here we go for round three!

I’ve told the kids they are going to have a baby sister or brother. London is excited but says she will cry if it’s a boy. I get it girl. Me too. Boston doesn’t know what the heck is happening ever, so I think it will sink in when we bring the baby home and it doesn’t leave. In the meantime, he has been walking around saying “no baby in Bossy’s house.” We have six months to warm him up to the idea. By then he will be almost 4 and London will be 5. So now we wait to find out the gender, which the doctor should be able to tell by our next appointment the week of Christmas, so stay tuned for more 🙂

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